Selection Guidelines


    Following eligibility conditions will apply for selection of Industries for RM’s Awards:-

    S No  Condition   Remarks/Documents 
     1   Registered under Companies Act 2013 or MSME Act 2006
     Copies of relevant documents to be enclosed with Award Application 
     2   In possession of GSTIN and PAN  
     3   Not blacklisted or put on Tender Holiday by any Govt agency    Self affidavit signed by an authorised signatory to be enclosed with Award Application  
     4   No legal action/enquiry pending for any Economic or Criminal offence  
     5   In possession of Start-Up Certificate of Recognition issued by DIPP    Applicable only for Start-Up category.A copy of DIPP certificate to be enclosed 

    The nominations for the awards will be invited from Public/Private industry on a prescribed application format through an online Web Portal. The Awards may also be announced through print media and websites of MoD/Industry Associations.


    The methodology for selection for Awards will be as follows:-

    (a). Submission of Self-Assessment.

    Applications in the prescribed form, along with all relevant supporting documents and photographs are to be submitted by applicants for each Award, within promulgated closing date/time. There will be separate Application Forms for each award. Each Application Form will have variants, one each for sub-category (Large/Med/Small/Start-Up). The applicant is to carefully choose the relevant application form for the applicable award/sub-category. Soft copies of all Application Forms/Variants would be available for download from website. Application Forms duly filled up along with all supporting documents/photographs/video, etc are to be uploaded through online Web Portal before the promulgated closing date/time. Incomplete applications or those received after the closing date/time will be summarily rejected and no correspondence will be entertained. A suitable software application will be developed and deployed for On-Line submission and management of Award Applications.

    (b). Pre-Screening/Shortlisting of Applications by Sub-Committees.

    (i)  he Self-Assessment applications for each award/sub-category will be screened by Sub-Committee(s) headed by ADGQA/ADGAQA/Eqvt Officers from DDP. The number of Sub-Committees to be constituted will be decided based on the number of Applications received for each award / sub-category.

    (ii)  The primary tasks of Sub-Committees will be:-

    (a) To verify and validate Self-Assessment marks with the help of supporting documents / pictures submitted by the Applicant.

    (b) To weed out incomplete applications and recommend revised assessment in case Self-Assessment is found to be exaggerated and not matching with supporting documents.

    (c) To short list suitable number of applications for each Award / Sub-Category for further assessment by the Expert Committee.

    (c). Assessment by Expert Committee.

    (i)   All shortlisted applications will be assessed by a suitable Expert Committee (Jury) comprising of eminent professionals / domain experts with rich experience in dealing with Defence and Aerospace industry. The composition of Expert Committee will be approved by MoD / DDP. Suitable senior retired Officers of MoD / Services / DRDO with proven credentials may be engaged by MoD / DDP for this purpose as Consultants, in accordance with provisions of Rule 179 of GFR 2017.

    (ii)   The Expert Committee may invite shortlisted nominees for first-hand interaction or undertake on-site assessment visits, as deemed appropriate. The recommendations of Expert Committee will be presented to the Screening Committee before being put up to Hon’ble RM for final approval.

    (d). On-Site Validation/Assessment.

    A suitable number of Teams will be constituted by MoD / DDP based on recommendation of the Expert Committeefor On-Site Validation / Assessment (OSVA) of short listed firms. The primary task of OSVA Teams will be to validate the claims made in self-assessment by the Applicant and make recommendations to Award Committee based on on-site assessment.

    (e). Final Assessment by Screening Committee.

    A Screening Committee as per the following composition will make final selection based on the recommendations of the Expert Committee. The recommendations of Screening Committee will be submitted for final approval of Hon’ble RakshaMantri.

       (i)  Chairman : Secretary, Defence Production

       (ii)  Members : 1. SA to RM
                                 2. Secretary (Defence Finance)
                                 3. DGAQA
                                 4. DGQA – Member Secretary


    The parameters to be used for assessment for various Awards have been finalized after a comprehensive study of contemporary Awards and global best practices and with inputs of Industry Chambers viz. FICCI, CII / SIDM, ASSOCHAM and NASSCOM.Broad Features of Assessment Methodology are as follows:-

    (a). Objective Assessment.

    One of the core features underlying the choice of methodology is Objectivity in Assessment. This has been achieved by selection of parameters with a pre-decided set of discrete options in the Application Form.

    (b). Marking on Binary or Sliding Discrete Scale.

    One of the core features underlying the choice of methodology is Objectivity in Assessment. This has been achieved by selection of parameters with a pre-decided set of discrete options in the Application Form.

    (c). Checks Against False / Exaggerated Self-Assessment.

    Adequate checks are incorporated against false / exaggerated Self-Assessment. This is achieved by mandatory provision of supporting documents and on-site validation / assessment. Strict warnings against false / exaggerated Self-Assessmentare endorsed on Application Form with provision of disqualification from Awards process and public listing of firms making false claims in case of serious violation with malafide intent.

    (d). Weightage of Parameters.

    Suitable weightage of various parameters will be assigned so as to achieve an optimal balance aligned with the overall intent of a specific award.

    (e). Level Playing Field in Different Sub-Categories.

    The discrete choices for various parameters and their weightages have been carefully finalized so as to ensure a level playing field for applicants within respective sub-categories viz. Large, Medium, Small and Start Up.


    (a). RM’s Award For Excellence In Innovation / Technological Breakthrough In Defence And Aerospace Sector.

    This Award will be for a specific achievement in Innovation /Technological breakthrough. A brief write-up on innovation/technological breakthrough will be provided by the Applicant along with supporting documents/photographs/videos.The assessment parameters will be as follows :-

     S.No.   Parameter   Wt   Remarks 
     1   Technological Complexity of innovation   20   
    •   Detailed questions for each sub-parameter with discrete choices will be in the Application Form. 

    •   Discrete choices and weightages will be suitably tailored for different subcategories, so as to provide a level playing field. 

     2   Whether any patent / design has been granted or applied for   10 
     3   Levels of documentation were generated for design   10 
     4   Cost saving achieved by innovation – per unit and total.   20 
     5   Time elapsed since innovation has been put to production / deployment.   10 
     6   Whether innovation has won any other awards.   10 
     7   Ease of assembly / operation / maintenance achieved by Innovation.   10 
     8   Improvement in Performance of main system achieved by Innovation.   10 

    (b). RM’s Award For Excellence In Exports In Defence And Aerospace Sector.

    The assessment parameters for RM Award for Excellence in Exports in Defence and Aerospace will be as follows:-

     S.No.   Parameter   Wt   Remarks 
     1   Volume & Value of Export orders in def & aerospace sector   20   
    •   Detailed questions for each sub-parameter with discrete choices will be in Application Form. 

    •   Discrete choices and weightages will be suitably tailored for different subcategories, so as to provide level playing field. 

     2   Av Annual Growth Rate for 2.1 above   20 
     3   Technological Complexity of products   20 
     4   Time elapsed since 1st Export order .   10 
     5   Diversity of Customer base – supplying to how many countries.   10 
     6   Capability for international operations – footprint in foreign market.   10 
     7   Level of participation in international defence expositions – whether as exhibitor or visitors.   10 

    (c). RM’s Award For Excellence In Indigenisation/Import Substitution in Defence And Aerospace Sector.

    This Award will be for a specific achievement in indigenization/import substitution of a product that was earlier being imported. A brief write-up on product will be provided by the Applicant along with supporting documents / photographs. The assessment parameters will be as follows :-

     S.No.   Parameter   Wt   Remarks 
     1   Volume & Value of orders of indigenized product   20   
    •   Detailed questions for each sub-parameter with discrete choices will be in Application Form. 

    •   Discrete choices and weightages will be suitably tailored for different subcategories, so as to provide level playing field. 

     2   Technological Complexity of indigenized product   20 
     3   Whether any patent / design has been granted or applied for   10 
     4   Level of documentation generated for indigenized product .   10 
     5   Cost saving achieved by indigenization – per unit and total .   20 
     6   Time elapsed since field deployment of indigenized product.   10 
     7   Whether product has been exported or has export potential .   10 

    The Application will comprise the following:-
    • Part 1 of Application will include general information about the applicant and will be common for all award categories / sub-categories.
    • Part 2 of Application will be different for each Award category viz. Awards for Innovation/Technological Break-Through; Indigenization/Import Substitution ; Exports. Further, there will be different variants of Part 2 for each subcategory viz. Start-Up / Small / Medium / Large.
    • All Application Formats/Variants will be made available through an online Web Portal for uploading of information. The Applicant will be required to upload information in a correct variant of the Application Form.

    For effective management of the portal and providing secretarial services for coordinating various activities related to RM’s Awards, a dedicated Cell will be created under DGQA.


    These guidelines may be reviewed periodically, based on lessons learnt during operationalisation.

  • 9. SUMMARY

    Broad methodology of assessment for Raksha Mantri Awards has been highlighted in this document. The methodology has been finalized after a comprehensive study of all contemporary awards and is in accordance with best global practices. The methodology will be further fine-tuned based on lessons learnt during selection process in the initial years.